“We discovered AmeriPure at the Boston Seafood Show in 1997 and decided to put raw oysters back on the menu. We’re glad we did because our customers love their taste and I love the yield we get from AmeriPure.”
— Joe's Stone Crab - Amy Smith, Executive Chef
“as a sampling of AmeriPure Louisiana oysters alongside Long Island bluepoints confirmed, the AmeriPure oysters were plumper, sweeter and less briny than the bluepoints.”
— New York Times - Florence Fabricant
“But there is a new light on the Gulf Coast oyster horizon. Enter the AmeriPure Process...”
— Chicago Sun Times - Lezli Bitterman
“We’ve been selling raw oysters in my family for 50 years. And I was impressed with the flavor of these oysters. I really was. They had a strong flavor of the sea which, to me, is what I’m looking for. I don’t want it to be some purified something. I want to know it’s an oyster. And these were really good.”